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Want to start journalling? Follow these 3 tips

Want to start journalling? Follow these 3 tips

Hello, Marginal Gains community!

We're excited to have you with us once again as we explore ways to make meaningful changes in our lives.

This week:

3 tips to help you build a journalling habit

Have you tried journalling in the past but never got the habit to stick?

Me too.

I tried and failed many times.

But now I'm journalling everyday thanks to the 3 tips below.

If you're wanting to build a journalling habit, here's 3 tips that helped me:

1. Make it quick

Most people say they struggle to find the time to start journalling.

Start small and journal for 1 minute a day.

Start by taking 1 minute at the start of your day to note something you're grateful for. Or you can make a note of storyworthy moment at the end of your day. If you're not sure ehat that is, you can check out this article (link to storyworthy prompt)

Make it quick. Do it for 1 minute a day.

2. Make it easy

I used to struggle with blank page syndrome whenever I'd tried journalling in the past.

Now I journal every day without fail.

Discovering journal prompts made it easy for me to journal. Now I'm not scared of a blank page. I just answer 3 prompts in the morning and 1 at the end of the day.

Make it easy. Start with 1 prompt a day.

3. Make it enjoyable

Make journalling more enjoyable by tying something you enjoy to the process.

Temptation bundling is when you pair a habit or a task with something you want to do. It helps to trick your brain into enjoying the task more.

Here's how you can apply it to journalling:

  • Listen to music while journalling

  • Journal while enjoying a drink at your favourite coffee shop

  • Buy a nice pen and notebook so you enjoy the process of journalling

If you enjoyed this and want to start journalling with prompts too, then make sure you join our sister newsletter The Kaizen Club.

I share one journalling prompt every Saturday.

You can check out the latest issue at:

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Stay Tuned for More Marginal Gains

Thank you for being a part of the Marginal Gains community. We're dedicated to bringing you practical tips that elevate your life one step at a time.

Stay tuned for more transformative insights in the upcoming issues of our newsletter.

Stay Thriving,
