The Reverse Superman:

The Simple Psychological Trick That Made Me More Confident (And How You Can Use This Trick Too)

I've always found it interesting how superman disguises himself.

A pair of glasses.

So simple. But so powerful.

When he takes the glasses off, it's not a physical change that gives him power. It's a psychological one.

A change from one personality to another.

When he wears the glasses, he's Clark Kent.

When he takes them off, he becomes superman.

Note the change in his body language when the glasses come off.

One is clumsy, shy and insecure. The other is confident, charismatic and self-assured. He's still the same person. But you can't tell.

When I was younger I felt like Clark Kent. Shy, unassuming and insecure.

I struggled with confidence until I discovered the Reverse Superman trick.

In my final year of university, one last exam put our pharmacy skills to the test in real-world scenarios.

There was just one problem.

The thought of it made me anxious. I kept wondering how I’d get through it—until I found the answer. And it all came from Superman.

I realised I had to create an alter ego.

I had to become The Pharmacist.

But unlike Clark Kent, I put my glasses on to get my powers.

Putting on my glasses made me feel more capable, like stepping into a stronger version of myself.

When I put them on, I was no longer Shoaib.

I was The Pharmacist.

My body language shifted. Gone was the small, closed-off posture. I stood taller, with my shoulders back, taking up space with confidence. I moved with purpose and presence.

Creating an alter ego helped me act bolder.

Thinking of myself as someone more confident let me break free from self-doubt. I wasn't overthinking or second-guessing myself. I was charismatic, engaged and connected effortlessly with others.

The Reverse Superman was a switch that transformed me into a better version of myself. It showed me that I had the ability all along.

All I needed was something to get me past the psychological blockers and unleash the power that was inside me.

You can do the same by using a simple trigger.

A small action, like wearing a certain item or using a phrase, can help you switch into a more confident mindset.

It can even be a simple action, like this:

It's over 9000!

The key is to create an alter ego that works for you.

Sit down. Take some time to design your alter ego.

Think about:

  • What you need it for

  • When you need it

  • Why you need it

Answering these questions helps you create an alter ego that's bespoke, natural and works when you need it most.

The more you use it, the more natural it becomes.

Over time, your brain connects the trigger with the behaviours.

It becomes effortless. Eventually your able to channel the behaviours without the need for the alter ego. You and the ego become one. The alter ego stops feeling like something else. It feels like something you were meant to be all along.

The Reverse Superman didn’t give me new abilities—it revealed the confidence that was there all along.

All I needed was a way to break through the mental barriers holding me back and unleash the power within me.

And you have that power too.

Find your switch, flip it, and step into the version of yourself that’s been waiting to emerge.