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- T Based Knowledge
T Based Knowledge
10 Distraction busting techniques and more
Welcome to Issue #15 of The RNDM
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This week:
An absorbing read which argues that to help overcome anxiety we need to seek mastery in an art or craft. However, Brad Stulberg argues that mastery alone is not enough, it needs to be as part of a community. Communal Independence "allows you to self-actualize and not feel the weight of the world on your own two shoulders".
If you're feeling anxious about reaching a goal or improving, find a community that can help lead you on the next step towards mastery.
10 great tips to help stop your phone from distracting you.
Nowadays it's hard to get into a focused state without constant distraction from your phone. The majority of apps are designed to capture and keep your attention for as long as possible.
Nick shares great tips to help you resist and fight back to keep your focus.
My personal favourite is number 3.
Specialisation is yesterday's news. It's the age of the polymath or multipotentialite (pronounced multi-potential-ite).... Wow! That was a mouthful. And acquiring "T-Shaped" knowledge can help you get there. Having "T-Shaped" knowledge indicates that you have a deep level of knowledge in one area as well as a broad range of knowledge in many areas to support that deep core competency.
You know how that old saying goes, "a jack of all trades is a master of none". What many don't know is that the rest of the phrase adds more weight to having broad knowledge, expertise and experience across varying subjects when it finishes with "but often times better than a master of one.” If you excel at one thing and are competent in many others, you'll be able to outperform most "experts".
James Clear, author of the best-selling book Atomic Habits, joins Dr Chatterjee on the Feel Better, Live More podcast. James explains the science behind habit formation and discusses methods you can use to help form better habits and break bad habits.
James Clear explains the science behind habit formation in a way that's easy to understand and you'll be able to go away from this podcast with at least one way to improve your habits and improve your life.
A ready-made productivity planner Notion template that will help you manage your time even if you’re not a natural at it.
Stop getting overwhelmed by your to do list. Taking control is a click away. Plan your week with the Week View or use the Focus View to plan your day and power through your tasks.
We hope you enjoyed reading.
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