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- The RNDM #08
The RNDM #08
Into the Spider-verse
Welcome to Issue #08 of The RNDM
Thank you to everyone who has subscribed and shared The RNDM.
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This week:
- How the Spider-verse changed animation
- The Story Behind Ctrl-Alt-Delete
- Do You Even Lift Gran?
- Scroll, Comment, Like, Scroll, Comment, Subscribe
- Friction and Momentum
Into the Spider-verse
Gone are the days when you couldn't tell the difference between a Pixar movie and a DreamWorks movie.
Thanks to the success of the Into the Spider-verse movie, studios are changing how animated movies are made for the better.
This YouTube video shows how, thanks to Spider-verse's success, studios are no longer afraid to change up their style to make distinct and innovative animated movies in a distinct style.
The story behind Ctrl+Alt+Delete
Click.... Click... Click
Guess it's time to use Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
We've used this shortcut many times. But have you ever wondered about the history behind it?
Check out this article by Mental Floss to learn all about how it came to be.
Do You Even Lift Gran?
Need to get your grandma a birthday gift but not sure what to get her?
New research suggests getting her a gym membership may be one of the best things for her health.
A study by the US’ National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Maryland has shown that lifting weights regularly had a 14% lower risk of death. Combining this with regular aerobic exercise led to a 41% lower risk of premature death.
Check out the full article to learn more about this research
Scroll, Comment, Like,
Scroll, Comment,Subscribe
Do you feel like this endless cycle is destroying your productivity? Do you feel like your focus is fleeting. Could Social media and modern technology be destroying your attention?
In this absorbing episode of Feel Better, Live More, Dr Chatterjee speaks to Johann Hari, author of Stolen Focus.
They discuss what Johann learnt from his interviews with over 200 experts on attention and what he discovered about the 12 causes of our modern day attention crisis.
This will change how you view your social media use!
Friction and Momentum
The alarm started blaring, I had to jump out of bed and turn it off or face an angry wife being woken up early.
It seemed like a simple idea. Move the phone charger away from the bed and start your day the right way. But I underestimated the effect it would have.
I'd read about the idea in a post by Ben Meer (Twitter: @systemsunday) and figured I'd try it out.
one month later and this simple change has improved my mood, health, and productivity.
How? Well, I think it stems from two priniciples; friction and momentum.
Friction is the ease or effort required to start. As James Clear says in his bestseller, Atomic Habits:
The greater the obstacle—that is, the more difficult the habit—the more friction there is between you and your desired end state. This is why it is crucial to make your habits so easy that you’ll do them even when you don’t feel like it.
Momentum is the energy you build as you move from one action to the next.
The more you progress from action to action, the easier it is to move onto the next one. Think of it as a snowball rolling down a hill. Energy is needed to move the ball initially, but as it moves down the hill, the energy needed to keep rolling reduces and it starts to pick up speed.
Moving the phone charger or the alarm away from the bed forces me to get out of bed, giving me the initial push to start rolling the ball.
Once I'm up and the alarm is off (and the wife hasn't been woken, phew!), I find it easier to get started with my morning routine. From here one action can lead into the next allowing me to start my day in the best way, setting a good foundation to build upon through my day.
Of course, It helps to plan the morning the night before so I waste less time in the morning and reduce thinking time. This is where intention comes in, but thats a post for another day.
Friction is definitely a lever that can be used to help make it easier for you do an action or more difficult to do a bad action and will have a great impact on your life and achieving your goals.
Are there areas in your life that may benefit from increasing or decreasing friction?
Let me know in the comments.
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That’s all for this week. We hope you enjoyed reading.
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